God Used Words: FREE Skill Video
"In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his light brought light to everyone." – John 1:1-4 NLT
This verse is ALL about Jesus .
In the beginning of time, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit created the earth and everything in it, including us. The Word of God is Jesus. The bible says the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Don't miss the FREE Skill video at the bottom of this post. 👀🤩
How The Truth About Words Changes Everything
Think about how God used his words to speak everything into existence.
That is some pretty strong creative power through the sound of God’s voice. It explains in the bible that Jesus was with God in the beginning in the form of His word, along with the Holy Spirit hovering over the face of the earth.
Your Child Can Hear God 👂
Since God used His words to create everything that He created, we know His spoken word is very powerful, and even though some of us may never hear Him speak out loud like Moses and some of the prophets did, we can hear Him speak His Word to us in our hearts in all different ways.
Here's the Problem Though...
Kids love to learn how to use lettering but it’s difficult for them, mostly because it’s hard to space the word out and make it all fit!
Uh oh. 😲
BUT--I have this problem solved for your child's sure success in the Creation Collection that is available for immediate access to anyone who joins the Light Club, Pre-k - 8th, or 4th - 8th! (Learn More)
This lesson is called “In the beginning, God used Words to Design and Create” Above is a 4th grade example of a word that describes God.
When you join the Light Club, right now, you receive immediate access to all the lessons since September of 2020 when it first started!
That’s 20 to 30 lesson PDFs depending on the Light Club you join and over 24 videos.
All for $17.99 to $24.99 per month!
In the beginning, God used Words to Design and Create Skill Video
Have fun creating with words!