This collection features 3 lessons that have a focus in patterns and are all animals with fun patterns. “ The God Will Never Abandon Us Pattern Pup Collage” is for k-3rd kids with a simple pup to draw, cut out and create patterns on. “Pattern Dogs “ 3rd - 8th is all different dogs and is all about dogs. It is a blast as the kids create their own pattern dogs . “The God Will Never Leave Us” assorted animal patterns lesson has a lot of different animals the kids can choose from as they draw them on bright construction paper then create patterns on them using oil pastel for the patterns . All of these three lessons are amazingly fun to create and the kids loved them! Every age kid loves making these and your kids will also.
Art Skills Taught
- Observational drawing skills from a reference drawing
- How to fill up the picture pane sketching out the subject in the correct proportions without too much negative space.
- Pattern, Proportion and balance understanding as principles of design
- Painting techniques.
All About Pattern Pups, Dogs and Assorted Pattern Animals Collection
Lesson Descriptions
“God Will Never Abandon Us Pattern Pup Collage”
Contour line drawing of a simple pup the kids draw then make patterns on. K-3rd
This lesson is awesome because all the kids are successful in creating a really cute pup they can add patterns on. It is great for fine motor skills in the younger kids since they cut it out and glue it down to a bright surface as a collage. Oil pastels are used for the patterns and the Bible part focuses on how God in the pattern of who He is as always loving us will never change,
$5.99. Individual price
“Pattern Dogs”
See all the different dogs to draw from in the lesson, draw a contour line drawing of the dog you like the best then add patterns using bright markers. 3rd - 8th
This lesson the kids just loved making! The lesson has a whole lot of reference dog drawings for the kids to draw from! 9 different drawings are provided in this as the kids learn to draw in the correct proportions from observational drawing from a reference drawing. After they get their composition finished they add patterns around the dog, or in the dog or scarf etc. This lesson is created in markers and the kids also learned how to be neat with their markers making the area opaque and showing excellent craftsmanship. Learn about dogs, how faithful they are and learn about how our God is always loving, always faithful and how He will never leave us,
$5,99. individual price
“God Will Never Leave Us Assorted Animal Patterns”
All different animal reference drawings to choose from, draw your choice then add patterns. K-4th
With 8 easy reference drawings to draw from the kids loved making these assorted pattern animals!
This also is a really fun lesson with 8 different reference drawings of simply drawn animals included in the lesson. The kids can choose the one they like the best
as they practice observational drawing skills from a reference drawing. We used brightly colored construction paper for the animals and oil pastel for the patterns . After their choice animal was finished, we cut it out then attached it to a brightly colored piece of construction paper that enhanced both the oil pastel colors of the animal as well as the bright paper the animal was drawn on. These all came out adorable and they are fun to make, even up to adults. Learn about God’s patterns in nature and how the pattern of who He is as our faithful God Will never change.
$5.99 individual price