Which membership is right for you?
Hi there! This is Ann Land, I thought it would be helpful to see how The Light Club's 4 membership options can help you offer Christian values through really fun art projects kids love.
The Light Club is designed to be a rich curriculum for home educators and families with kids in public school wanting a fun way to teach kids more about the Bible and how much Jesus loves them through art.
The Light Club is also designed to be a rich curriculum for art teachers teaching grades K-8th in Christian schools and faith based homeschool coops. Whether you're a home educator, or a mom, with kids in public school, or a classroom teacher, teaching virtually or in person, I can promise you that all the lessons point to Jesus, His values and truth in the Bible and how loved we are by Him, as they teach other interesting information in a unit style along with art skills, elements of art and principles of design.
My commitment to you is to work together with you in being part of leading children through art to know the love our great King has for all of us.
To the right, "Safe in His Arms” By Ann Land
In order to decide which membership is right for you as a classroom teacher or your family as a homeschool educator, let's start with a few questions:
K-3rd Light Club
Are you looking to connect fun art projects with Biblical truth that also connects to other studies? For example, you are planning to study creation in the Bible and would like to add art projects to the unit and learn the difference between stars and planets as your child creates stars and learns all about the different kinds.
You would like to be able to set out supplies and take a break sometimes while the kids have fun, learn art skills and create art?
You are a parent with kids in public school, home educator or homeschool coop teacher with children in grade k -3rd?
The K-3rd Light Club with 3 informative PDFs, a child's choice PDF and 4 Elements of Art and Principles of Design Videos is for you! (BONUS…. Most 2nd and 3rd graders can create art and learn from the PDFS without a lot of needed help from you)
4th-8th Light Club
Are you looking to connect fun art projects with Biblical truth that also connects to other studies? For example, you are planning to study The Garden of Eden in the Bible and would like to add art projects to the unit, learn all about trees, what a landscape is and how to draw one?
You would like to be able to set out supplies and take a break sometimes while the kids have fun, learn art skills and create art?
You are a parent with kids in public school, a home educator or homeschool coop teacher with children in grade 4th-8th?
The 4th-8th Light Club with 3 informative PDFs, a child's choice PDF and 4 Elements of Art and Principles of Design Videos is for you! (BONUS….4th - 8th graders can create art and learn from the PDFS without a lot of needed help from you)
k-8th Light Club
Are you looking to connect fun art projects with Biblical truth that also connects to other studies? For example, you are planning to study The Garden of Eden in the Bible and would like to add art projects to the unit, learn all about trees, what a landscape is and how to draw one?
You would like to be able to set out supplies and take a break sometimes while the kids have fun, learn art skills and create art?
You are a classroom teacher, home educator with a big family, parent with a big family in public schools, or homeschool coop teacher with children teaching varied grade k-8th?
The k-8th Light Club with 8 informative PDFs, a child's choice PDF and 4 Elements of Art and Principles of Design Videos is for you! (BONUS….4th - 8th graders can create art and learn from the PDFS without a lot of needed help from you)
Video Only Light Club
You would like to be able to set out supplies and take a break while the kids have fun and create art.. learn how loved they are by Jesus, some verses in the Bible, and art skills
The Video Only Light Club is for you!
Here’s a breakdown of the four memberships:
Let’s start with The Video Only Light Club Membership.
The Light Club video membership is a video-based membership that features a brand new video every week. The videos vary in length for 35 to 60 minutes depending on the difficulty and materials used. These videos have a Bible scripture with each video. As the narrator of the video I talk about how loved we are by Jesus and how creative He made us as I cover drawing and painting skills, 3 D concepts and The Elements of Art and Principles of Design. The Light Club videos are designed to meet fundamental skills and help children of all ages gain confidence in their artistic ability through success. The kids love these as they stay engaged throughout the video and are super happy with their end result.
The Video Only Light Club Membership encourages use of quality art materials that will last a good while and provide the best experience for the kids. I have a list of my favorite supplies for you.
Note: With the Video Only Light Club Membership…. sit with them at first to get them started and confident then let them move forward on their own and enjoy the quiet of their engagement!....OR do some of the art with them! I promise you will want to for some of these. I have lots of parents doing videos with me and they are as proud of what they create as the kids! I have had entire families doing art together!
What do you get with a Video Only Light Club Membership?
With the Light Club Video only membership all you have to do is log on, find the video you would like to create and gather supplies. You will have access to all the videos as long as you are a member.
The K-3rd Light Club or The 4-8th Light Club or The K-8th Light Club
You and your kids love art
Want to learn about the Bible while creating art in a timeline starting with creation
Want your kids to learn informative facts and valuable information in a unit style, as they create art they love and they learn about God.
Want to connect with other home educators, parents with kids in public schools and Christian art teachers via a Facebook group with live chats.
Want to create art sometimes as an adult with Ann.
As a Christian home educator, you have a lot of things to work on and do with your kids. Oftentimes art is left out because of time restraints.
As a parent, with kids in public school, sometimes, the information public school teaches doesn't line up with what the Word of God says. Wouldn't it be fun to use art to teach your kids more about the Bible and other informative things from a Christian worldview?
WHAT IF you could count on your Light Club membership to thoroughly teach valuable interesting information that kids love learning about... like what cat whiskers are used for, who Franz Marc is and why his horses are blue... who the Wampanoag is and why we need skeletons…..AS they create art! Kids love art!
While Video Only light Club offers skill based simple to use videos, Light Club k-3rd... Light Club 4-8...and Light Club k-8th offer the same videos in the Video Only Light club…. PLUS completely different lesson plans that teach a Biblical truth, have interesting things to read, include fun facts and drawing steps in a PDF that kids, teachers and moms can easily follow.
These 3 Light Club memberships have continual lessons being added every month as they follow the Biblical timeline starting with creation. These three light club memberships also offer Holiday lessons and a kids choice for our shop. The archived Biblical timeline lessons will be available for you to access as long as you are a member. Presently the Light Club K-3rd.. Light Club 4-8th.. and Light Club k-8 offer
Continual Biblical timeline lessons added every month with Holiday focus lessons included
Close to a 100 lessons to choose from in the shop as your once a month kid choice.
The archived Biblical timeline lessons ( started in September 2020, ) as we follow the Biblical timeline.
A facebook group to join to show off kids work, ask questions and be able to create adult art with Ann Land via facebook live at least once a month!
Note: This membership is also designed for art teachers in a school setting. By creating age varied memberships, we were able to provide both.
So now this brings me to YOU!
With lots of fun things to choose from you have the benefit of both, the videos, and the unit style lessons. The videos are fun and easy to follow with minimal effort from you. The informative PDFs in a unit style follow the Biblical timeline; you don't have to feel like you need to start at the beginning with creation, but by all means do if you want to, ... the archived Biblical timeline lessons are included from previous months as a huge bonus because I felt like it was important. I just needed a place to start.
As we move forward in Biblical history and art history the Biblical timeline will include information about art and other civilizations. Presently, we have fun lessons created past the flood to the wooly mammoths and cave art which you will be seeing after Christmas along with extra fun and beautiful holiday lessons.
It Is True, that these memberships may have some lessons and videos that you may never use. I just get really excited about all the information and the art and I wanted you to have lots of choices for the incredible value in what you are receiving.
As a parent, you can choose to use your light club membership that includes PDF lessons and video in a variety of ways!
Follow monthly with the Biblical timeline lessons in a sequential manner and have fun with the videos as the kids are engaged.
Pick and choose lessons and videos as you go!
Shop once a month in the store and use your coupon for your kids choice lesson that is included every month as part of your membership.
More About the PDF Lessons​
(The PDFS Lessons in The Biblical Timeline in the K-3, 4-8th, and, K-8th Light Club)
The Biblical Timeline curriculum primarily focuses on a Biblical timeline with informative lesson plans, drawing guides, step by step drawing instruction, visual information to read and follow concerning art skills, art terms, student examples, I learn so I can statements, artists statements, art history, artist facts and National Art Standards, and a rubric where the kids grade themselves. All of the archived Biblical timeline lessons will be included in the membership.
The Biblical Timeline curriculum plans the year for you so you don’t have to, or you can use archived lessons and plan your own course with some of the new lessons each month mixed with archived lessons and just go for it.
As the Biblical Timeline is created monthly and moves forward you will be able to choose lessons from a time period.
The kids get to pick a fun lesson from the shop of whatever they want once a month.
Holiday Lessons are included and often there will be a bonus lesson.
Each month there will be new lessons that follow the Biblical Timeline.
Each month there will be new skill based videos that follow the elements of art and principles of design.
Why We Chose These Packages
We realize that there are a lot of lessons to choose from, Which is why we made so many different memberships. My daughter Erika loves to teach with lots of info and loves unit style learning. She loves incorporating all kinds of things integrated together while using art in a hands on approach to teach other subjects as well. She loves the membership that has the informative PDFS as well as the separate following along videos by me because they're great but she doesn't need the K-8th because her kids are little.
As a teacher teaching all different age kids I need the K-8th which is why I made it! The lessons are all kid tested and I can guarantee the kids success whether you are a home educator with a big family, a teacher in a Christian school or a coop leader.
I wanted the value of what you are getting to be really great and very affordable.
It's a privilege to me to be able to offer lessons that focus on who we are as God’s children and how loved we are by Jesus. Lessons that teach about the Bible plus all different facts and information in a fun engaging way through art!
So which one is right for you?
Video-Only Light Club
K-3rd Light Club
4th - 8th Light Club
K-8th Light Club
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